انشائیہ کا بانی Michel De Montaigne : تحقیق کےآئینے میں
Michel De Montaigne, Founder of Inception: In the Mirror of Research
This paper explores the development of “Inshaiya” in world literature. Michel De Montaigne, after bidding adieu to the profession of law, chose a picturesque place for his residence. In his hours of his leisures and respite, he took to writing lighthearted compositions about his experiences and observations of life, covering varied subject in an unconstructed and informal style. He chose the term “Essai” for these mental excursions of his. These writings neither didactic nor do they have any semblance of being erudite or concordant. Montaigne’s writings were met with immense praise and acclaim when they first surfaced in literary circles of his time. Following in Montaigne’s footsteps, Francis Bacon used the term “Essay” for his own writings. Thus in the realm of literature, the Essay was borm from Essai and in Urdu literature “Inshayia” was introduced.
References in Roman Script:
- Salim Akhtar, Dr.,Insha'iyya ki Bunyad, Sang-e-Meel Publications, Lahore, 2002, pp. 15-14.
- Ibid, p.40
- 3. Zaheeruddin Madani, Dr., (Debacha) Urdu Essays, Maktaba Jamia Limited, Prince Building Near JJ Hospital, Mumbai No. 3, No. 7
- Mashkoor Hussain Yad,Inshaiyya Batoor aik Istlah Adab, (Mashmola),Jadeed Urdu Inshaiyya (Mashmola) Akbar Hahmidi, Akademi Adbiyat, Islamabad, 1991, p.35
- Zaheeruddin Madani, Dr., Urdu Essays, aktaba Jamia Limited, Prince Building Near JJ Hospital, Mumbai No. 3, Volume II, No. 15
- Muhammad Asadullah, Insha'iyyah ki Riwayat (Masharq-o-Magrab kay Tanazur Mien), Modern Print Muhammad Ali Road Momin Purnagpur 2015, p.94
- Michael de Montaigne, "Kuch Bekari Kay Baray Mien, Dr. Anwar Sadid, translator, Mashmola in 'Auraq', Inshaya No. April, May 1985. Mudeeran: Wazir Agha, Sajjad Naqvi,Dafter Auraq Chowk, Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, 1985, p. 300