قرۃ العین حیدر کے افسانوں میں نظریہ پاکستان کے عناصر

Elements of Pakistan Ideology in the fictions of Qurratul Ain Haider

  • Shandana . M.Phil Scholer, Department of Urdu, Qurtuba University of Science & Information Technology, Peshawar
  • Samiul Haq Ph.D Scholar, Department of Urdu, Islamia College University, Peshawar
  • Dr. Tahseen Bibi Head of Department, Urdu Linguistics & Literature, Qurtuba University of Science & Information Technology, Peshawar
Keywords: Qurat ul Ain Haider, Creation of Pakistan, Migration, Political, unique, revolutions, Urdu Fiction


To discuss the creative works of Qurat ul Ain Haider (1927-2007) is like to lend light to the sun. Qurat ul Ain Haider began fiction writing at a time when the twentieth century world had gone through many intellectual and political revolutions. The short fiction she wrote during that period deals with the creation of Pakistan, migration, the collapse of human relations, a newborn nation, injustice with the migrants, thirteen-year long exile and the return to her own country. Her fictional creations are realistic portraits of circumstances that emerged in the wake of the creation of Pakistan and the riots thereafter. Because of this realism, Qurat ul Ain Haider enjoys a unique and high place as an Urdu fiction writer.

      Reference in Roman Script:

  1. Anwar Ahmad, Dr., Urdu Afsana Ek Seedy Ka Kissa, Faisalabad, Misaal Publications, 2007, p. 439
  2. Musrat Jahan, Ph.D., Quratul Ain Ki afsaana Nigari (Aik Tanqidi Jaiza), Delhi, Arshiya Publications,

         2014, p.54

  1. Qaratul Ain Haider, London Letters, (Mashmola) ,Sheeshay Ka Ghar, Lahore,Sang-e-Meel Publications, 2016, p.266
  2. Qur'at-ul-Ain Haider,Barfbari Se Pahlay, (Mashmola), Sheeshay Ka Ghar,Ibid, p. 96
  3. Qarat-ul-Ain Haider, Jala Watan,Ibid, p.298-299
  4. Qarat-ul-Ain Haider, Sham of Oudh,(Mashmola),Sitaron Se Agay, Lahore, Lahore,Sang-e-Meel Publications, 2016, 2015, p.152
  5. Qarat-ul-Ain Haider,Pate Jhar ki Awaz , (Mashmola) ,The Voice of the Pate Jhar, Lahore,Sang-e-Meel Publications, p.186
  6. Qarat-ul-Ain Haider,Yaad ki Aik Dhanak Jalay , (Mashmola) ,Pat Jahr ki Awaz, Lahore, Sang-e-Meel Publications, p. 110
  7. Qarat-ul-Ain Haider, Yeh Daq Daq Ujjala, Yeh Shab Gazida Suhar, (Mashmola),House of Glass, Sang-e-Meel Publications,p.186
  8. Also, pp. 176-177
  9. Qarat al-Ain Haider,Jalla ba Dajjala-Yam ba Yam, (Mashmola),Houses of Glass, Lahore, Lahore,Sang-e-Meel Publications, p.225
  10. Qur'an al-Ain Haider,Raqs-r-Sharrer,(Mashmola),Sitaron Se Agay, Lahore, Lahore,Sang-e-Meel Publications, p.143


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How to Cite
., S., Haq, S., & Bibi, D. T. (2023). قرۃ العین حیدر کے افسانوں میں نظریہ پاکستان کے عناصر: Elements of Pakistan Ideology in the fictions of Qurratul Ain Haider. Zauq-E-Tahqeeq, 5(03), 73-82. Retrieved from http://www.zauq-e-tahqeeq.com/index.php/ZT/article/view/123