لُغت اورفرہنگ : بنیادی مباحث

Lughat and Farhung: Basic Discussions

  • Dr. Qadeer Anjum Bajwa Assistant Professor, Department of Urdu, Lahore College for Women University ,Lahore
  • Dr. Azmat Rubab Associate Professor, Department of Urdu, Lahore College for Women University ,Lahore
Keywords: Dictionary, Glossary, linguistic, additionally, civilization, explain, behaviors


Dictionary and Glossary play pivotal role in understanding the basic structure of a language. These are not just a collection of words and their meanings rather are reflection of linguistic history and of social attitudes of the linguists. Picture of a civilization can be painted in the light of the language of its era. Additionally, the power of expression of a language is directly reflective of the political and social success of a civilization. A language can claim to be fully developed and perfect when and only when it has the words that have the ability to express and explain every sort of subjects that can come across human beings in any phase of their lives hence in a nutshell, Dictionary and Glossary not onlyHelp in understanding the language itself but also in understanding the individual and collective Behaviors of speakers of that language۔

       References in Roman Script:

  1. Malik Ram,Lughat Navisi Kay Masail, Gopi chand Narang, Professor (Maratb), Lughat Navisi Kay Masail, New Delhi, Maktaba Jamia Limited, 1985, p.17
  2. Urdu Dictionary, Volume 10, Karachi, Urdu Lughat Board, 1991,p.275
  3. Jameel Jalbi, Dr.,Qaumi Angrezi Urdu Lughat, Islamabad, Muqtadra Qaumi Zuban, Fifth Edition, 2002,p:381
  4. The New Lexicon Webster's Dictionary of the English Language. New York, Publishers Inc., 1989.p.297
  5. Platts, John. Dictionary of Urdu Classical Hindi and English. Zford,Oxford University Press, 1885,p.280
  6. Jameel Jalbi, Dr., Qaumi Angrezi Urdu Lughat,p.189
  7. Dr. Muhammad Khan Ashraf, Dr. Azmat Rabab, Ashraf Al-Laghat, Lahore, Sang-e-Meel Publications, 2018, p. 364


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How to Cite
Bajwa, D. Q. A., & Rubab, D. A. (2023). لُغت اورفرہنگ : بنیادی مباحث : Lughat and Farhung: Basic Discussions. Zauq-E-Tahqeeq, 5(03), 167-173. Retrieved from http://www.zauq-e-tahqeeq.com/index.php/ZT/article/view/149