جدید اُردو غزل:موضوعات اور اُسلوبیات
Modern Urdu Ghazal: themes and styles
Ghazal is the most popular genre of poetry. It has its importance in every era. Topics related to beauty, love and life are included in it. Ameer Khusroo promoted Ghazal in North India. Wali was called Bawa Adam of Urdu Ghazal. Wali glorified Urdu Ghazal for the first time. Sheikh Zahoor-ud-Din became its great bearer during the Muhammad Shahi period. Mir and Dard recited ghazal well. Later Mushafi, Atish and Naskh promoted ghazal. The ghazals of Ghalib, Momin, Zouk and Shefta were well received in their time. Modern Urdu ghazal started in 1857. Hali is considered the first architect of modern Urdu Ghazal. Hali gave scope to Ghazal in terms of subject and style. Akbar also widened the scope of Urdu Ghazal subjects. The themes of beauty and love are common in Dagh's ghazals. Dagh's ghazals are expressions of humanity and reality.
References in Roman Script:
- Abu Kalam Qasmi, Criticism of Poetry, Aligarh, Educational Book House, 2008, p.108
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