محمد حمید شاہد کے افسانوی مجموعے‘‘مرگ زار’’اور دہشت میں محبت’’ کا نائن الیون کے تناظر میں تحقیقی وتنقیدی جائزہ

A research and critical review of Muhammad Hameed Shahid's fictional collection "Marg Zaar" and'' Dehshit Mein Mohabbat" in the context of 9/11

  • Muhammad Saleem Sarwar Ph.D Research Scholar, Department Urdu, NUML, Islamabad.
  • Dr. Nazia Malik Assistant Professor , Department Urdu, NUML, Islamabad.
Keywords: Short story, 9/11 incident, Pakistani society, Amricans, humanity, Muslim countries, dominate


Muhammad Hameed Shahid has shown so much subtlety in his fictions that the reader who reads these works of art is also divided into two groups, the lucky reader may be silent only with an external impression, but the one who has an understanding of literature. And the reader who looks into the innerpart of the works of art will discover a world of meaning from each line of these works of art. How far the so-called America has fallen from the standards of humanity.The US blamed some weak Muslim countries for the 9/11 incident without any authentic evidence and then used all kinds of negative tactics to harm these countries. Should be taken and on the other hand the Muslimcountries with important sea routes should be controlled so as to dominate the world.

References in Roman Script:

  1. Hamid bag Mirza ,urdu afsaney ki riwayat, aalmi media, nai Dehli ,2014,p:15
  2. 2. gopi chand narang professor, urdu afsana riwayat aur masail ( martaba ), educational publishing house, ashaat panjum 2013,p:129
  3. Ibid,p :495
  4. Ahmed Nadim qasmi, included ( merg zaar ), akadmi bazyaft, Karachi ,2004,Flap
  5. Mohammad hamid Shahid , ganth, included ( merg zaar ) akadmi bazyaft, Karachi , 2004,p:79
  6. Ibid, p:82
  7. Ibid, p:84
  8. Mohammad hamid Shahid , mout manndi mein akeli mout ka qissa, ( merg zaar),acadmi bazyaft,
  9. Mohammad hamid Shahid , merg zaar, included ( merg zaar ), akadmi bazyaft, Karachi , 2004, p: 140
  10. Samuel Hungtin, tehzibon ka tassadum, mutrajim ( Sohail Anjum ), avksford university press, Karachi , 1997, p: 159
  11.  Najiba arif, dr, 9 / 11 aur Pakistani urdu afsana, Islamabad : purab akadmi, 2001, p: 21-22
  12. Mohammad hamid Shahid , khooni laam,hua qatlam bachon ka, included(dehshat mein mohabbat ), Zahid Basheer printers, Lahore , 2015, p: 21
  13. Ibid, p : 24
  14.  Mohammad hamid Shahid , queta mein kchlak, included ( dehshat mein   mohabbat ), Zahid Basheer printers, Lahore , 2015, p: 39
  15. Urdu News bbc,may4,2010 , Pakistan , p: 1
  16.  Mohammad hamid Shahid , queta mein kchlak,  included( dehshat mein   mohabbat ), Zahid Basheer printers, Lahore , 2015, p: 41
  17. Ibid, p:45-46
  18. Ibid, p:47
  19. Najiba arif, dr, 9 / 11 aur Pakistani urdu afsana, Islamabad : purab akadmi, 2001, p:12
  20. Mohammad hamid Shahid , queta mein kchlak, included ( dehshat mein   mohabbat ), Zahid Basheer printers, Lahore , 2015, p: 49


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How to Cite
Sarwar, M. S., & Malik, D. N. (2024). محمد حمید شاہد کے افسانوی مجموعے‘‘مرگ زار’’اور دہشت میں محبت’’ کا نائن الیون کے تناظر میں تحقیقی وتنقیدی جائزہ: A research and critical review of Muhammad Hameed Shahid’s fictional collection "Marg Zaar" and’’ Dehshit Mein Mohabbat" in the context of 9/11. Zauq-E-Tahqeeq, 6(2), 53-65. Retrieved from http://www.zauq-e-tahqeeq.com/index.php/ZT/article/view/205