نیر مسعود بہ طور فکشنی کردار(انیس اشفاق کی کہانی ”آئینہ گر“کے تناظر میں)

Nayyar Masud As a Character of Fiction(In the perspective of Anis Ashfaq's story "Aaena Gar"

  • Dr. Muhammad Arsalan Assistant Professor, Department of Urdu, GC University, Lahore
  • Dr. Nazia Sahar Assistant professor. Department of Urdu, Islamia College University Peshawar.
Keywords: Nayyar masud, Urdu literature, seldom critics, Ashfaq's short story, story describes


Nayyar masud is a renowned writer of Urdu literature.His stories has been translated  in more than twenty different International languages.But seldom critics know about the fact about him, that he had also been made a core character of Anees Ashfaq's short story "Aaena Ger" back in 1984 as historical fiction. The story describes him not directly but indirectly with some explicit and obvious clues and Inklings. This story also unfolds some rare and interesting biographical informations about him. The article deals with unfolding of such facts along with the description of historical fiction and its techniques.

       References in Roman Script:

  1. Za Ansari, Chekov, Moscow, Dar-ul-Ishaat, Moscow, 1976, p.76
  2. Muhaib, Muhammad, Rusi Adab, Delhi,Qaumi Council Braye Farogh Zuban, p. 140
  3. Farooqi, Shamsur Rahman,Afsanay ki Hamait Mien , Karachi, Shahrzad, 2014, p: 137
  4. Ibid, p: 143
  5. Mary Levin, Virgina Woolf, London, Paramount Publishers, p80, 1982
  6. Anees Ashfaq, Katbay Pahrnay Walay, Lucknow, Anees Ashfaq, 2015, p: 70
  7. Ibid, p: 71
  8. Ibid, p: 76
  9. Ibid, p: 76
  10. Anees Ashfaq, Nayyer Duraan, p.8
  11. Anees Ashfaq, Katbay Pahrnay Walay, Lucknow, Anees Ashfaq, 2015, p.78
  12. Anees Ashfaq, Nayyer Doraan, Delhi, Ghalib Institute, 2018, p: 12
  13. Ibid, p:20
  14. Anees Ashfaq, Katbay Pahrnay Walay, Lucknow, Anees Ashfaq, 2018, p.82
  15. Ibid, p: 85
  16. Ibid, p: 88
  17. Nair Masood, Selected Essays, Karachi, Aaj, 2009, p: 438
  18. Anees Ashfaq, Katbay Pahrnay Walay, Lucknow, Anees Ashfaq, 2011, p.2
  19. Nir Masood, Khatoot Masahir Ba Naam Masood Hasan Rizvi Adib (Musannaf), Lucknow, Mir Academy, 1986, p: 8
  20. The example of Masoud (times) post, Karachi, Aaj ki books, 2022, p: 41


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How to Cite
Arsalan, D. M., & Sahar, D. N. (2024). نیر مسعود بہ طور فکشنی کردار(انیس اشفاق کی کہانی ”آئینہ گر“کے تناظر میں): Nayyar Masud As a Character of Fiction(In the perspective of Anis Ashfaq’s story "Aaena Gar". Zauq-E-Tahqeeq, 6(2), 109-117. Retrieved from http://www.zauq-e-tahqeeq.com/index.php/ZT/article/view/216