سیّد احتشام حسین اور اُردو ناول کی تنقید

Syed Ehtesham Hussain and criticism of the Urdu Novel

  • Naveed Akhtar Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Urdu, Sarhad University of Science and information Technology, Peshawar
  • Dr. Muhammad Imtiaz Professor, Department of Urdu, Sarhad University of Science and information Technology, Peshawar
Keywords: Theoretical Criticism, Practical Criticism, Marxist Criticism, Ideological affiliation, great esteem, Urdu fiction


In Urdu literature, there are few such reliable and distinguished critics whose critical work is seen with great esteem. Syed Ehtesham Hussain is also an important name in these literary critics. Even the great critics of Urdu literature are convinced of his eloquent nature, deep studies and profound understanding. Theoretically, he is related to Marxist critical school, but he is called the founder of Marxist critical school in Urdu. By applying the critical principles of the same school, he filled the field of Urdu criticism with his extensive study and careful approach. With his rationality, not only the Marxist criticism of Urdu was repeated, but he developed the theoretical and practical criticism of Urdu on modern lines. With his reasoning, not only did the Marxist criticism of Urdu flourish, but also built the theoretical and practical criticism of Urdu on new lines. It should be attributed to the lack of luck in the criticism of Urdu fiction that prominent and coin-opposed critics like Ehtesham Hussain have written very little on the criticism of Urdu fiction, but His short work is also seen with great esteem in Urdu criticism.

     References in Roman Script:

  1. Noor ul Hassan Naqvi, Fan e Tanqeed aur Urdu Tanqeed Nigari, Educational Book House, Ali Garh, 2016, P:152
  2. Abul Kalam Qasmi, Muasir Tanqeedi Rawwaye,Aks Publications,Lahore,P111
  3. Ehtesham Hussain, Rewayat sy Baghawat,Idara Farogh Urdu,Laknow,1972.P118
  4. Abid, P:118-119
  5. Abid, P:137
  6. Abul Kalam Qasmi,Muasir Tanqeedi Rawwaye,P:119
  7. Ehtesham Hussain, Rewayat sy Baghawat,P:137
  8. Ehtesham Hussain, Syed, Adab aur Shaor,Mashmoola,Majmooa Syed Ehtesham Hussain,(Vol1), Murattaba: Ahmad Saleem,Sang e Meel Publications, Lahore, 2015,P494
  9. Abid, P:494
  10. Abid, P:495
  11. Abid, P:495
  12. Abid, P:497
  13. Ehtesham Hussain, Syed, Adab aur Samaj,Mashmoola,Majmooa Syed Ehtesham Hussain,(Vol1), Murattaba: Ahmad Saleem,Sang e Meel Publications, Lahore, 2015,P:207
  14. Abul Kalam qasmi, Muasir Tanqeedi Rawwaye, P:120
  15. Majmooa Syed Ehtesham Hussain(Vol 1), Adab aur Shaor, P:498
  16. Abid, P:499
  17. Abid, P:501
  18. Abid, P:501
  19. Abid, P:501-502
  20. Abul kalam Qasmi, Muasir Tanqeedi Rawwaye, P:121
  21. Majmooa Syed Ehtesham Hussain(Vol 1), P:7
  22. Ashraf Kamal, Dr, Tanqeed ka Dayera, Misaal Publishers, Faisal Adab, 2016, P:181


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How to Cite
Akhtar, N., & Imtiaz , D. M. (2024). سیّد احتشام حسین اور اُردو ناول کی تنقید: Syed Ehtesham Hussain and criticism of the Urdu Novel. Zauq-E-Tahqeeq, 6(3), 76-88. Retrieved from http://www.zauq-e-tahqeeq.com/index.php/ZT/article/view/236

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