سماجی شعور کے تناظر میں اُردو ناول”جل بھی چکے پروانے“ کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ

Analytical study of the Urdu novel "Jal Bhi Chuke Parwane" in the context of social consciousness

  • Syeda Farrah Amir Ph.D Scholar, Department of Urdu, NUML, Islamabad
  • Dr. Nazia malik Assistant Professor, Department of Urdu, NUML, Islamabad
Keywords: Fanaticism, miscreants, Priyantha Diyawadana, humanity, eloquent, murder of humanity, humanistic theory


There was no place for fanaticism and violence in the society and that the miscreants involved in such acts did not belong to any religion, caste, or creed. “Such people are the worst of humanity and do not represent any folk”. Priyantha Diyawadana was a professional person and that the personal vendetta on part of some laborers in the grip of alleged religious tilt led to the lynching and torching.Aani Malik is a poet, columnist, fiction writer and literary critic. Her published novel “Jal bhi Chuke Parwany” is the voice of humanity. She has proved in the light of Quran and Sunnah that Islam is a religion of peace and harmony. Rights of minorities are guaranteed in Islam. She has described this subject in her novel in very eloquent and lucid manner and termed the unjust killing of any human being as the murder of humanity. This novel is not a religious book but it is a preaching of humanistic theory in a literary way.

       References in Roman Script:

  1. Aini Malik, Jal Bhi Chuky Parwanay, T And T Publishers, Samnabad, Lahore, 2022. P:2
  2. Abid, p:8
  3. Abid, p:29
  4. Abid, p:40/41
  5. Abid, p:43
  6. Abid, p:46
  7. Abid, p:53
  8. Abid, p:72
  9. Abid, p:72
  10. Abid, p:73
  11. Quran Majeed, Surat Almaida 5, Aayet No.32


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How to Cite
Amir, S. F., & malik, D. N. (2024). سماجی شعور کے تناظر میں اُردو ناول”جل بھی چکے پروانے“ کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ: Analytical study of the Urdu novel "Jal Bhi Chuke Parwane" in the context of social consciousness. Zauq-E-Tahqeeq, 6(3), 89-97. Retrieved from http://www.zauq-e-tahqeeq.com/index.php/ZT/article/view/237