نئیر مسعود کے افسانوں میں معذور کرداروں کی پیش کش: تنقیدی جائزہ

Death and Social Suffering in Nayyer Masood's Short Stories

  • Muhammad Amjad Doctoral Candidate, Department of Urdu, NUML, Islamabad
  • Dr. Humaria Ishfaq Assistant Professor, Department of Urdu, International Islamic University, Islamabad
Keywords: Nayer Masud's fiction, creative prowess, narrative, craftsmanship, humanitarian issue, governmental disregard


Based on the analysis of Nayer Masud's fiction, it is evident that his portrayal of disabled characters is not only a reflection of his creative prowess but also serves as a call to raise social awareness. These stories delve deep into the challenges and suffering faced by disabled individuals, eliciting empathy from the reader. By highlighting the insensitive treatment and societal apathy towards these characters, Nayer Masud prompts readers to reflect on their own attitudes. The narrative further emphasizes the role of government negligence and lack of responsibility, which exacerbates the suffering of disabled characters, making their plight more profound.Nayer Masud's works are not just accounts of personal anguish but also powerful commentaries on social injustice and indifference. Through his literary craftsmanship, he communicates that disability should not be viewed merely as a physical condition but as a societal and humanitarian issue that demands collective effort to address. His stories serve as a reminder that providing equal rights and opportunities to disabled individuals is a shared responsibility.

       References in Roman Script

  1. Nayyar Masood, Ganjifa, Sher Zaar Karachi, Pakistan, 2008, p. 20
  2. , p. 25
  3. , p. 40
  4. Nayyar Masood, Ganjifa (Kulliyat), Afsana: Ray Khandan ke Aasaar, Sang-e-Meel Publications, Lahore, Edition 2015, p. 224
  5. Nayyar Masood, Ganjifa (Kulliyat), Afsana: Murasila, Sang-e-Meel Publications, Lahore, Edition 2015, p. 12
  6. , pp. 12-13
  7. Nayyar Masood, Ganjifa (Kulliyat), Afsana: Sheesha Ghaat, Sang-e-Meel Publications, Lahore, Edition 2015, p. 301
  8. Nayyar Masood, Ganjifa, Afsana: Maskeenon ka Ihata, Sher Zaar Karachi, Pakistan, Edition 2008, p. 197
  9. , p. 197
  10. Nayyar Masood, Ganjifa (Kulliyat), Afsana: Jirga, Sang-e-Meel Publications, Lahore, Edition 2015,p:145
  11. , p. 55
  12. Nayyar Masood, Ganjifa, Afsana: Tehveel, Sher Zaar Karachi, Pakistan, Edition 2008, p. 225
  13. , p. 235
  14. , p. 231


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How to Cite
Amjad , M., & Ishfaq, D. H. (2024). نئیر مسعود کے افسانوں میں معذور کرداروں کی پیش کش: تنقیدی جائزہ: Death and Social Suffering in Nayyer Masood’s Short Stories. Zauq-E-Tahqeeq, 6(3), 98-105. Retrieved from http://www.zauq-e-tahqeeq.com/index.php/ZT/article/view/238